Fernando & Elizabeth Villicana

Lead Pastors

Fernando & Elizabeth Villicana are the founding & Lead Pastors of Firehouse Church in Yorba Linda, CA.
In 1991 their family dropped down stakes & established a church that would become one of the most life changing churches the city had ever seen. Now, 32 years later, they are still going & growing strong, pastoring a passionate, powerful, Spirit-led church, teaching believers to love &trust God, live sensibly, while believing God for impossible things. 

God is continually using Pastor Fernando through his unique ability of being able to break down the Bible in a deep yet simple & applicable way that is relevant to the day & age we are living in.

Pastor Elizabeth Villicana is an explosive preacher & passionate worshiper in her own right. Her heart bleeds through every thing she does with a genuine & authentic love for God & his people. Her influence goes far beyond words, showing the love of Christ through her "on the platform" influence but most importantly through the life she leads.

Together, they Pastor Firehouse Church with one goal and one purpose:
WIN souls for Christ
BUILD strong disciples for the Kingdom of God
RELEASE well equipped & called people into the ministry to which they are called.

Richard & Maria Knudtson


Rich and Maria met at Firehouse Church (formerly Praise Chapel Fullerton) & were married in January 1999. Both were discipled and mentored under the leadership of Pastors Fernando & Elizabeth Villicana. They have three adults sons & one beautiful daughter-in-law. Over the years, Rich & Maria have served in & led multiple ministries. Today they continue to serve as a help & support to their Pastors & to all who are in the church with a heart to see people's lives changed & transformed by the power of Christ. With over three decades of ministry experience and dedication here at Firehouse Church, Rich & Maria are a gold mine of information, dedication, & guidance. To those who seek to know Jesus in a more personal & intimate way, they are here to lead you.

Erik & Amanda Rodarte

Assistant Pastors

Erik Rodarte’s life was radically changed at the age of 18 at Firehouse Church when his then girlfriend, Mandi, brought him to a youth event. 
Mandi was born into the church but started going independently since the age of 14. 
After Erik Rodarte encountered Jesus, his life was never the same. Erik & Mandi led the youth as Directors at Firehouse Church when there was a need. Pastor Fernando and Liz saw their potential & this couple simply said “Yes” to wherever God wanted them to serve. After 7 years of dating, & 3 years of serving in ministry together, they were married in 2021. 
Erik has also served faithfully in the audio visual & broadcasting team since joining the church. Erik also ministers over the pulpit as a preacher of the word, while Mandi serves on the Worship Team.

After  a year of trusting God serving as Young Adult Directors, Erik & Mandi accepted the position as Assistant Pastors in 2022. Their heart for God & for serving the people of the church led them to say “Yes” to this position. With humble hearts and willingness to be used by God, they give God all of the glory for their ability to lead at the capacity they do. Now Erik & Mandi oversee the Young Adults, Youth, Social Media, Audio Visual, Broadcasting, and Special Events.

David & Gina Mendoza

Assistant Pastors

David & Gina are both graduates of Christian Recovery Homes. 
David became a drug addict at a young age & gave his life to Jesus in rehab in 2000 where he was dramatically changed. In 2006, after a long battle with addiction and various traumas, Gina fully surrendered her life to the Lord & has never been he same! David & Gina met in church in 2006 & have now been married for 14 years & have two beautiful daughters who love God! 
They are forever grateful to the Lord for dramatically changing their lives.  They continue to place an emphasis on helping hurting people as they serve alongside our pastors & congregation.
They love to see lives transformed by the power & love of God!

Jesse & Laila Peraza

Youth Pastors

Jesse and Laila are dedicated Youth Pastors at our church, bringing years of commitment & faith to their ministry. 
Jesse's journey with church began at the age of 7, rooted in the Praise Chapel Fullerton youth programs that shaped his spiritual path. Jesse introduced Laila to church when they were both 15 years old.
In 2016, they exchanged vows & were married at Firehouse Church. Since then, Jesse and Laila, with their two sons, Jesse Jr. and Lukas, have remained steadfast members of our congregation.
Their journey of service began in the Children's Ministry, where their love for nurturing young hearts first blossomed. In 2020, they were called to lead the Youth Ministry, a role they embraced with passion & purpose. Their mission is clear: to support and encourage our Youth with the boundless love of God.
As Youth Pastors, Jesse & Laila continue to inspire & guide our young members with God's Word & prayer, pouring their hearts into each interaction & providing steadfast guidance through their faith journey.