Divine Marriage

So they are no longer two, but one flesh.
Therefore, what God has joined together, no person is to separate. 

Matthew 19:6

Marriage has turned into a one-day event rather than a lifelong commitment. If there is anything on the devil's target list today, it is marriage and it has indeed had it's share of bad press! It is as if marriage is a conversational football, used to kick across the television talk show platforms by people who can really care less about it. Marriage today is under fire.
At Firehouse we not only value marriage, but we also regularly offer opportunities to honor, nurture and support it as one of the most foundational and crucial relationships in all of mankind. We celebrate it with a wide variety of activities, seminars and retreats designed to enhance each and every marriage regardless of where the marriage is currently.

Marriage Coaching

Lead pastors, Fernando & Liz, and Assistant Pastors, Joe & Heather, offer biblically based marriage coaching.
Both couples have a passion and a great calling to help marriages be all God desires them to be. With biblical principals, practical tools, and wisdom from their own experiences and testimonies, they are equipped and ready to help you bring your marriage to the next Kingdom level! Whether you are engaged and looking for pre marriage counseling, your marriage just needs some maintenance, or your marriage is in crisis, you can contact us to inquire about marriage coaching any time!  

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for information on our 2024 Marriage Retreat!

Past Events

Marriage Retreat

2023 Firefighters For Christ 
Marriage Conference